How To Add Or Remove Mobile Number From Facebook Account (2022)
In this blog post, you will learn how to add primary phone number (first phone number) or another phone number and then how to remove these phone numbers easily. When you add your mobile number, then you can reset your password if you forget or due to any other security reason. You can also receive SMS notifications, if you turn on notifications. Remember, you can also change your primary or first mobile phone number and select another by removing previous one. To do that, add another number and then make this newly added phone number as primary phone number by removing previous primary phone number. How To Add Primary Or Another Mobile Number In Facebook Account 1. Go to your Facebook Profile or Home of Facebook. 2. Click on Your “Profile Icon” on the right top. 3. Click “Settings & Privacy”. 4. Now click “Settings”. 5. Scroll down and go to “Mobile” Section. 6. Click + Add a Phone to add your first mobile phone number or click + Add another mobile phone number to add mor...